Vanillin cell sensor


Our project for iGEM 2006 consisted of designing a cellular vanillin biosensor. We used an EnvZ–E. coli strain as a chassis, and constructed two different devices: a sensor and an actuator, assembled using OmpR-P as a standardised mediator. The sensor device contained a computationally designed vanillin receptor and a synthetic two-component signal transduction protein (Trz). The receptor protein was based on a ribose-binding protein as scaffold. The Trz was built by fusion of the periplasmic and transmembrane domains of a Trg protein with an EnvZ kinase domain. When the receptor complex binds Trg, an allosteric motion is propagated to the cytoplasmic EnvZ kinase domain, resulting in autophosphorylation and subsequent phosphate transfer to the OmpR transcription factor, which finally induces transcription of the ompC promoter. As actuator, we used a synthetic transcriptional circuit, which implements an OmpR-P band detector having GFP and RFP as an output. We designed this circuit using a synthetic promoter working as an AND gate, which is synergistically activated by cI and CRP. Our constructed Trg-EnvZ fusion and AND promoter will be very useful to future synthetic biology projects.

IET Synthetic Biology, (1), 1-2, pp. 74,
Arnau Montagud
Arnau Montagud
Researcher on Computational Systems Biology

My research interests include Boolean and multiscale modelling, data analyses and data integration.
